A cordial welcome to
APK Vorsorgekasse
As an important player in the financial market we create sustainable value added for our clients. We stand for security, transparency, competency and innovation, and thus endeavour to justify the trust placed in us by thousands of people. Our firm commitment to sustainable investment is not only part of our mission statement, it is also reflected in our investment concept and publicly disclosed.
That's our mission.
Auszeichnung als 'Beste Vorsorgekasse 2024' und als 'Bester Finanzmarktteilnehmer'!
Die APK Vorsorgekasse steht im Ranking des Fachmagazins 'Der Börsianer' erneut ganz oben.
Fragen Sie uns! Ask us! Chiedici! Spørg os! Demandez-nous! Pitajte nas! Jautājiet mums!
Nutzen Sie die Möglichkeit, in Ihrer Muttersprache im neuen Chat mit uns zu kommunizieren!
Überdurchschnittliche Performance 2024 zeichnet sich ab!
Das Veranlagungsergebnis beträgt nach den ersten drei Quartalen des Jahres 2024 bereits 5,61%.
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Entitlement transfer
The Federal Act on Corporate Staff and Self-Employment Provision (BMSVG) empowers prospective beneficiaries to transfer their accumulated severance pay entitlement to the respective current corporate staff provision fund, provided no contributions have been paid into the previous corporate staff provision fund for more than three years.
Legal basis
We operate on the basis of the provisions of the BMSVG:
All federal laws can be accessed unabridged via the Legal Information System (RIS)