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A cordial welcome to

APK Vorsorgekasse

As an important player in the financial market we create sustainable value added for our clients. We stand for security, transparency, competency and innovation, and thus endeavour to justify the trust placed in us by thousands of people. Our firm commitment to sustainable investment is not only part of our mission statement, it is also reflected in our investment concept and publicly disclosed.

That's our mission.

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News & current topics

56,4% des Vermögens in Fonds mit Umweltzeichen für nachhaltige Finanzprodukte investiert!

Das österreichische Umweltzeichen steht für die Einhaltung höchster Nachhaltigkeitsstandards!

Überdurchschnittliches Veranlagungsergebnis 2023!

2023 wird zum zweitbesten Veranlagungsjahr in der Unternehmensgeschichte!

Auszeichnung als „Beste Vorsorgekasse 2023“!

Zum vierten Mal in Folge liegt die APK Vorsorgekasse im Ranking des Fachmagazins ‚Der Börsianer‘ an der Spitze der Branche.

APK newsletter

APK Vorsorgekasse - Newsletter on current issues:

  • GOLD-certificate by OEGUT for sustainable investment
  • Update on the capital market
  • News regarding our updated app and our online portal

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Information materials & downloads

Entitlement transfer

The Federal Act on Corporate Staff and Self-Employment Provision (BMSVG) empowers prospective beneficiaries to transfer their accumulated severance pay entitlement to the respective current corporate staff provision fund, provided no contributions have been paid into the previous corporate staff provision fund for more than three years.

Further information

Annual and sustainability reports

Annual report of APK Vorsorgekasse AG

Sustainability report of APK Vorsorgekasse AG

Information leaflets and brochures

Legal basis

We operate on the basis of the provisions of the BMSVG:

All federal laws can be accessed unabridged via the Legal Information System (RIS)

Financial Market Authority

Here you can find important information as well as downloads posted by the Financial Market Authority pertaining to corporate staff and self-employment provision funds in Austria