Legal Disclosure
Owner and publisher
APK Vorsorgekasse AG
Registered office: 1030 Wien, Thomas-Klestil-Platz 13
Branch office: 4020 Linz, Stahlstraße 2-4
Contact details
Tel.: + 43 50 275 50
Fax: + 43 50 275 5609
Corporate purpose
Operating a corporate staff and self-employment provision fund under Austrian law.
Corporate staff and self-employment provision funds code:
Commercial register number
224799 m
Company register court
Commercial Court Vienna
VAT number (UID)
ATU 55092704
Membership of Chamber of Commerce organisations
Austrian Chamber of Commerce
Federal Division Banking and Insurance, member of the platform of corporate provision funds
1040 Wien, Wiedner Hauptstraße 63
Applicable legal provisions
Corporate Staff and Self-employment Provision Act (BMSVG) and Banking Act (BWG) in their respective current wording.
Regulatory authority
Financial Markets Supervisory Authority
1090 Wien, Otto-Wagner-Platz 5
Tel: (+43) 1 249 59 0
Fax: (+43) 1 249 59-5499
External links
APK Vorsorgekasse AG cannot accept any liability for the up-to-the-minute status, accuracy and comprehensiveness of the content of websites that can be accessed via hyperlinks. Use of hyperlinks to access any websites for whose content APK Vorsorgekasse is not liable, is at the user’s own risk. APK reserves the right to modify any information provided, or add to it. The website is not operated by APK Vorsorgekasse AG to provide users with advice or recommendations, but exclusively to give information.
Administrative bodies
Executive board
Supervisory board
Stakes in the enterprise
Parent company
100% APK Pensionskasse AG
Shareholders of the parent company
General object of
Information about products and services provided by APK Vorsorgekasse AG, and about the new severance pay scheme.
APK Vorsorgekasse AG has created this website and it endeavours to meticulously monitor and update the information contained therein. Despite our best efforts, data may have changed in the interim, or not be valid any more. Hence, APK Vorsorgekasse shall not be held liable for, nor will it guarantee, up-to-the-minute status, accuracy and completeness of the information posted.
Design and content of the websites of APK Vorsorgekasse AG are protected by copyright; hence, any documents (texts, parts of texts, pictures and images) published here may only be used with the prior consent of APK Vorsorgekasse AG.
Disclosure concerning corporate governance and remuneration pursuant to Section 65a BWG
Pursuant to Section 65a, Banking Act, APK Vorsorgekasse AG is obligated to divulge on its website in what manner these provisions are implemented:
Section 5 (1), subsections 6 to 9a, and Section 28a (5), subsections 1 to 5, Banking Act: Job qualifications of executives and supervisory board
In compliance with legal provisions, APK VK has issued Fit & Proper Guidelines, setting out in writing the strategy and criteria applicable to the selection, process, and responsibility for assessing the qualifications, of members of the management, of the supervisory board and of employees in key positions.
The centrepiece of the assessment: absence of any reasons for disqualification, well-ordered economic circumstances, personal trustworthiness, the requisite technical knowledge base and experience as well as timely availability.
The guidelines also list all requisite documents to be submitted. APK in-house assessment shall be carried out as part of the initial appointment process, and it is subject to evaluation at regular intervals. FMA, the Financial Services Supervisory Authority, shall be notified of the initial appointment of the chief executive officer / supervisory board. This notification about an initial appointment must also provide documentation relating to the assessment of the suitability of the person/s in question in accordance with APK in-house procedures. Regular further training measures serve to safeguard and maintain adequate qualifications at all times. Hence, in response to changing external conditions (e.g., changes to business operations or organisational structure, new regulatory provisions) likely to have implications for the required aptitude of single or of several executives, members of the supervisory board, or members of staff in key positions, appropriate measures must be taken (e.g., specific training courses, further coaching, or organisational measures).
With regard to the qualifications of all executives, members of the supervisory board and members of staff in key positions, the body tasked with their initial assessment shall be notified in the event of significant changes to the particulars originally supplied in the process of the assessment of their aptitude. Whether, on account of such changes, reassessment is deemed necessary, shall fall within the purview of the body concerned with assessment. If any subsequent re-evaluation reveals that hitherto satisfactory qualifications are not found to be fully satisfactory any more, FMA shall be informed of this altered state.
Section 29 Banking Act, Nominating Committee
Since it does not exceed the statutory threshold value, or issue transferable securities tradable in a regulated market pursuant to Section 1, para 2, Stock Exchange Act, APK VK is currently not obligated to set up a nominating committee.
Section 39b Banking Act in conjunction with, Appendix to 39b, Banking Act: Principles of Remuneration Policy
In accordance with European and national statutory provisions, and with a view to sound and effective risk management, APK remuneration policy has been set out in a specific document (Principles of Remuneration Policy and Practice). This document is reviewed on an annual basis and, if necessary, revised. Financially, economically, and in matters of organisation, APK VK is embedded in the APK Group. Various services are outsourced to other members of APK Group. If, for such services, fixed or variable remunerations (direct or indirect) are paid to employees of other companies, the "Principles of remuneration policy and practice" shall apply.
The idea behind the "Principles of remuneration policy and practice" is to tailor individual objectives of members of staff to the sustainable and long-term interests of APK VK. Above all, payment of (variable) remunerations shall not underscore, let alone generate, potential economic tensions. Paying variable emoluments is not acceptable if the bank’s own funds are deemed insufficient or cannot be sustained.
Beyond that, stringent measures must be taken with regard to the upper management echelon, employees with a controlling function, as well as risk buyers, that no conflicts of interest will arise in the pursuit of their activities and that (variable) remuneration will not encourage excessive risk-taking.
Section 39b Banking Act: Remuneration committee
Since it does not exceed the statutory threshold value or issue transferable securities tradable in a regulated market pursuant to Section 1, para 2, Stock Exchange Act, APK VK is currently not obligated to set up a remuneration committee.
Section 64 (1), subsections 18 and 19, Banking Act: Expanded disclosures in the appendix to the annual accounts relating to branch offices and returns on total assets
In the process of preparing the annual accounts, the expanded disclosures are included in the appendix in line with statutory provisions; they constitute part of the obligatory annual audit.