Investment style and investment strategy
Security and return on investment are of paramount importance to APK Vorsorgekasse AG. We aim for attractive returns without, however, running any concentration risks.
The investment process is overseen by the investment and risk management teams of APK Pensionskasse. Pursuant to the statutory capital guarantee obligations, risk vigilance and a high degree of diversification are core concerns in all our business dealings.
Also when it comes to choosing partners (e.g., depositary bank, trading partners, etc.), characteristics such as reliability and security feature prominently. At the same time, every effort is made to safeguard least-cost procedures.
APK Vorsorgekasse investment activities are based on meticulous asset-liability management. In this, the following issues are evaluated:
- development of our customer base structure
- development of payment flows
- development of our financial situation (projected contribution payments and investment yields)
- capital guarantee obligation
Based on the resulting findings, an overall portfolio is crafted, which both complies with the statutory framework and optimises the risk/return profile.