The two APK photovoltaic plants provide sustainable energy.
As an innovative group of enterprises we are focused firmly on the future: it is part our corporate ethos to plan for it and actively shape it.
Our two in-house photovoltaic power plants constitute an important step. Utilising state-of-the-art technology, they generate an annual output of ca. 50,000 kWh. This equals the energy needs of ten homes, or the annual energy requirements of the APK Group.
As our production and consumption curves nearly overlap, we also help ease the strain on the national grid. At the same time, our plants reduce annual CO2 emissions by 35,000 kg.
Right from the installation stage of our plants, our focus was on sustainability and optimal use of resources. All core components were sourced from European or domestic suppliers.
When the future is at stake, every single detail counts. That is our contribution to safeguarding tomorrow’s quality of life.
Electric charging station
The APK charging station
With urban roadway capacities nearly exhausted, private transport around town is approaching its limits. Urban space has become a rare commodity. But trade and industry already offer sustainable and up-to-date mobility solutions, such as e-bikes, to facilitate private transport.
Still, many people have not caught on to e-bikes yet. One reason may be that the existing network of charging stations is still bedevilled by too many gaps in it.
So, rather than talk, we decided to meet the challenge head-on and do something about it. Our newly installed e-charging station provides clean energy for trendy e-bikes as well as for e-scooters and e-cars. In our endeavour to speed up e-mobility, we offer our clients free e-charging services.
Three cheers for uncongested roads and an emission-free future!
Eco-friendly premises
Converting a standard office building into a ‘green building’ is a complex and costly process. Often, it is impossible to achieve the switchover in one go, which was also the case with APK Vorsorgekasse. That is why we decided to implement it in small steps. Standing idly by was never an option for us.
Use of latest technologies has enabled us to reduce electricity consumption by more than 80%. Before, annual consumption amounted to 50,000 kWh, now it is down to just 9,000 kWh. So, the resulting annual energy saving is 41,000 kWh or 24,000kg of CO2 per year.
Subjective perception of air quality in offices is by no means a substitute for objective measurements of the most important factors, such as temperature, humidity and CO2 pollution. The project ‘Good Air Quality’ has helped us achieve significant improvements through minor modifications to office interiors (potted plants) and practical tips on correctly airing rooms.
Energy efficiency
Over a number of weeks, a consulting firm analysed electricity consumption by APK Vorsorgekasse AG premises. Now, at weekends, during holidays and outside office hours, a central master switch cuts out all those hardly noticed energy wasters which, in stand-by mode, guzzle electricity unnecessarily.
Utilising shade
Keeping office buildings cool in summer is an energy-intensive task. Besides, air conditioning – even using modern equipment – puts a permanent strain on the employees’ health. The sensible thing is to confine summer temperatures to where people enjoy them, namely outdoors. This is achieved through the use of external louvres, which stop over 90% of the heat rays from getting into offices. In conjunction with a smart control system, which constantly ensures optimum efficiency of external shading by responding to the position of the sun, to temperature and wind speeds, it both enhances the wellbeing of employees and reduces our energy bills.